Sunday, July 17, 2016

DD3HW2 P#1 Needs Assessment

Needs assessment

Statement of purpose: One should use Prezi for their presentations because it is more interactive and fun to be the viewer of the presentation.
Business need: The business need of Prezi would be being able to present an informative but interesting presentation.
Audience: The audience is small a group of lawyers and paralegals who have never used Prezi before in their lives.
Situation: Presenting the use of Prezi is in one location and no one that I am presenting to has limitations or special needs. The audience will be taking notes on how to use Prezi but they will not be distracted. The audience may be resistant at first but will then be persuaded. The audience will not require specific equipment or software to receive the message.
Goals of the communication: I expect that Prezi will prove to be a tool in which everyone at the firm will be interested in using once they understand how to use it. Some other qualifiable changes that Prezi should bring about would be a different way of presenting.
Requirements: There are no special requirements for Prezi. The type of medium that is most suitable is web based. The types of materials that would be best in demonstrating Prezi would be slides and quick references to the actual web site.
Scope: The project will best be served with one large document.
Topics: I would like how to use Prezi to be covered.
Audience prerequisites: Being able to work a computer and learn from instructions. I will design and develop the communication. The audience has no level of expertise because they have never used Prezi before.

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