Wednesday, July 20, 2016

DD4HW6 Plan Layout Revisions

To add to the shape of the page, I will use white space to orient readers and give a distinctive visual from the printed matter by keeping related elements together, by isolating and emphasizing important elements, and by providing breathing room between blocks of information. I will try to revise my documents so that the white space pulls your eye toward the pages in different ways. To revise my style of the words and letters, I will review my instructions and make sure that the words are easy to read and the font is appropriate for instructions. To add emphasis I may add boldface or italics to highlight important elements like headings, special terms, key points, or warnings. To make certain that I have helpful headers I will add statement headings that use a sentence or explicit phrase as a heading because they work well for explaining how something happens or operates. I will also check to see if my headings summarize content as concisely as possible. I will double check to see if my headings are visually consistent and grammatically parallel.

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