Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The article I chose for assignment summarize an article #2 is called Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law, by Richard L. Sherwin, Neal Feigenson, & Christina Spiesel.

Summary: The article Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law, discusses how law today has entered the digital age and how the significant changes in mind and culture comes with that. The concept of law changes with this digital era, how it is represented and assessed, depends on what appears on electronic screens in courtrooms, law offices, government agencies, and more. How one teachings law also has to adapt to these altered conditions. The second section of the article is about re-envisioning legal practice. For example, lawyers have always done well speaking appropriately for their audience for effective persuasion. Now lawyers have to adapt to a culture where audiences are used to the everyday work and leisure experiences with television, movies, print media, and computers to rely on multimedia information. Therefore, lawyers now introduce new kinds of visuals and multimedia displays to their audience. The third part of the article talks about re-envisioning legal theory, it also is about how visualization and visual thinking are not only quick but also highly malleable, and how judgements are influenced by society. The fourth section is about re-envisioning legal education. It talks about how in order to be prepared to enter a professional practice of law, students have to understand how new visual technologies change the way that their users and audiences think. Law students have to be good at knowing how to communicate and persuade effectively when it comes to visuals and multimedia presentations. The last section is called the challenges ahead, this means that the world as a whole has to be actively experienced with visuals. The take away from the article is to understand the various ways in which visual communication technologies are transforming the practice, theory, and teaching of law in the digital age.

Neal Feigenson, Richard K. Sherwin & Christina O. Spiesel, Law in the Digital Age: How Visual Communication Technologies are Transforming the Practice, Theory, and Teaching of Law, 10 SSRN Electronic Journal SSRN Journal 226–270, 226-270 (2011).

Link to the original

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