Sunday, July 31, 2016


Intended Use
Individual Collaboration Report
Grouping of informal reports that my group’s work
To learn about my group’s team/project proposal, documentation of individual & collaborative work sessions, and individual collaboration memo.
Executive Summary
Employees of the company
A way for employees to rapidly understand the large body of material without having to read it all
To quickly learn the main ideas of our report/manual on teamwork
To become familiar with who contributed what to the report/manual
To learn how much each group member contributed
Employees in the company and CEO of UA
To have a list of the specific topics we address in our report/manual
To look up a specific topic one wishes to learn more about instead of searching through the documnt
Problem statement and/or research questions
Employees in the company and CEO of UA
To know the question that started the research on teamwork
To understand the underlying meaning
Methods used to produce the report
Employees in the company and CEO of UA
To get an idea of where our information came from
To learn how we came about the information and the credibility of our research process
Tip Sheet
Employees in the company
For employees to have a brochure, AQ, newsletter, or infographic in order to have a document to quickly reference
To have a better understanding of report/manual by having a reference tip sheet in a easy to read format
Documentation of work sessions
Periodic update submissions
The boss can look to see the specific documentations of work in the process of making the report/manual
Transmittal Memo
Purposing the research project, which will include details about where and how we intend to conduct the research as well as where and how we intend to track our team’s time, energy, and labor.
The boss will be able to read our discussion of the problem, our method for finding/sharing the solution, as well as an introduction of the team members

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